In general blood pressure is the amount of blood the heart pumps and the resistance the arteries give to the normal flow of blood.
High blood pressure is caused by narrowing of the arteries and the increased pumping pressure of the blood. According to the National heart and lung institute high blood pressure affects everyone in his or her life span.
Symptoms and signs:
Symptoms of early stage high blood pressure are dull headaches, dizzy spells, and a few nosebleeds than normal.
According to the latest study 90 to 95% of high blood pressure cases are essential or primary hypertension that develop gradually.
Secondary hypertension is that which appears suddenly. It occurs in the remaining 5 to 10%. Causes include kidney abnormalities, tumors of the adrenal gland or congenital heart disease. Other causes are intake of birth control pills, cold remedies, decongestants, and prescriptions and over the counter drugs, illicit drugs like cocaine and amphetamines. Women who take an average of 500mg or more of acetaminophen daily over a couple of years develop high BP than women who don’t.
Risk factors:
Age: In men high blood pressure occurs through early middle age and in women after menopause.
Race: Blacks are most susceptible to high blood pressure than whites. Most common complications among blacks are stroke and heat attacks.
Family History: People who have a history of high blood pressure in their families are more susceptible.
Risk factors within our control:
Excess weight, lack of physical activity, abuse of tobacco and alcohol, increase intake of sodium, reduced intake of potassium, high levels of stress. These are some of the factors that are within our control.
Chronic conditions like high cholesterol, diabetes, kidney disease and sleep apnea also leads to high blood pressure.
In children poor life style habits such as unhealthy diet and lack of exercise leads to high BP. In adults who work for more than 50 hours a week high BP occurs because of lack of sleep. Temporary high BP may occur in women during pregnancy.
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