Home Remedies For Yeast Infections – Vitamins

Most people don’t think vitamins when they think home remedies for yeast infections. But, if you are dealing with a reoccurring yeast infection or a sever yeast infection then vitamins can aid you in overcoming the infection and preventing it from coming back.

A medical dictionary defines vitamins as “organic compounds or chemicals, found in various foodstuff, necessary for the maintenance of normal life.” Surprising as this may be, the word “vitamin” was only invented in 1911. Vitamins were lettered alphabetically in the order in which they are discovered.

The Balchs describe vitamins as contributing “to good health by regulating the metabolism and assisting the biochemical processes that release energy from digested food.” H Most yeast infection sufferers have a vitamin deficiency, because the fecal build-up on the intestinal wall prevents nutrients from being absorbed. This creates a chronic nutritional deficiency which causes many of the yeast infection symptoms. These symptoms that can be cured by home remedies for yeast infections.

Symptoms that can be exhibited by the vitamin-deficient person are listed below:

Vitamin-Deficiency Symptoms Vitamin A: retards growth in children, impairs vision, and increases susceptibility to infection
Vitamin B1: numbness, tingling, burning in feet and leg muscles, can escalate into leg swelling, heart enlargement, and circulatory collapse
Vitamin B2: cracking of skin at mouth corners, chapped hands, dry scaly skin, and irritation of eyes
Vitamin B3: dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia
Vitamin B6: infants only, convulsions, stunted growth, and anemia
Vitamin B12: severe anemia and nervous system disorders
Vitamin C: scurvy, irritability, bleeding from gums, anemia, and heart problems.
Vitamin D: bone abnormalities in children
Vitamin E: premature aging, anemia, and difficulty walking
Vitamin K: hemorrhages

If a symptom exists, home remedies for yeast infections supplementation can help to correct the yeast infection caused deficiency. Almost fifty years ago, the U.S. Food and Nutrition Board established the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for vitamin intake. Then, in 1974, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration established the Recommended Daily Allowance for vitamin intake which is used for product labeling. 18 Unfortunately, the amounts these governmental agencies decided upon only defines the bare minimum to ward off disease. The RDA does not take into account the amounts of vitamins needed to provide optimal health. Alternative health therapists believe an Optimum Daily Allowance (ODA) of larger doses of vitamins should be recommended for maximum health. For example, the RDA for Vitamin A is 5,000 international units (IU) and the ODA for this same vitamin is from 10.00O to 50,000 IU.

According to nutritionist Larry Wilson, M.D., author of Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis, sufficient vitamin intake is an important element missing in most of our diets. He believes vitamins can be used, not only to cure certain diseases, but to also help the body remove toxic metals and increase energy

A serious misconception is the belief that vitamins are only useful for eliminating deficiency diseases. A second mistake is the idea that one can obtain adequate vitamin nutrition from the average American diet. Today many people have numerous subclinical deficiencies and vague complaints that clear up when extra vitamins are taken. Vitamins can also be used as therapeutic agents to alter body chemistry, remove toxic metals, and enhance energy production.

This aspect of natural therapy is too important to ignore, especially for the yeast infection patient looking for home remedies for yeast infections.

Cure your yeast infection Cure the itching, burning, painful rashes, discharge, and unexplained symptoms forever and do it safely, quickly, and naturally

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