High Blood Pressure Tablets – Which Drugs Are Given and Are They the Best Cure For You?

High blood pressure tablets are a common way to treat hypertension, at least from the doctor’s perspective. So how do they work, on their own and together, and are they the best way to tackle this killer condition?

Doctor’s Advice

Your doctor will typically prescribe these tablets in combination. Because these drugs are so powerful and produce such large effects on the body, a pairing will try to keep the positive benefits but reduce the negative ones as much as possible.

ACE Inhibitors

These tablets inhibit the production of a hormone called angiotensin which normally causes the blood vessels to narrow. The most common side effect is an irritating dry cough that does not go away easily.

Beta Blockers

These generally slow the body down, including the heart rate. They can particularly help if you are stressed out. In the United Kingdom, they have been banned for treating high b.p. because they can cause Type II diabetes.

Calcium Channel Blockers

These prevent calcium entering the muscles that control the heart and the blood vessels. The muscles then relax and your b.p. will go down. They can make you feel sick or tired at times. The most common side effect though is constipation.


These make you go to the toilet more often to rid your body of sodium. However, this means that you will also rid yourself of potassium too which is beneficial for keeping b.p. in a healthy range. In men, they can even cause erectile dysfunction.

Most People Don’t Need Drugs

The only people who need to take drugs are those who have extremely serious hypertension that would otherwise kill them within a few months. Everyone else can easily lower their blood pressure naturally and with tiny changes to their lifestyle. When it comes to this condition, unlike others, drugs do not provide a “magic bullet” cure at all.

Worried about dying early of a sudden death from heart attack or stroke? Discover how to eliminate your worries by naturally and easily following a step by step plan for lowering your b.p. here: Blood Pressure Truth.

About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications