Natural Ways to Lower High Blood Pressure

There may be no need to try drugs when there are actually many natural ways to lower a high blood pressure. In this article, I’ll show you some of the basic lifestyle and dietary changes that you can make that are usually sufficient for most people to normalize their b.p.

Sodium Intake

The level of your blood pressure is highly related to your sodium intake, most of which comes from the salt in your diet. We all need some salt to live but most of us get too much, either from adding it ourselves or more likely from prepared meals that are adulterated with way too much salt.

Try to cut down on your salt in a major way.


Potassium helps to lower sodium so get more of it in your diet (most of us are deficient) and you will get lower blood pressure. The best way to do this is to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables.

Losing Weight

A lot of people have battled against excess weight and are turned off by this advice. All I can say is that excess weight will kill you! The good news is that even 5 pounds of weight loss can cut your risk of complications by half. Anybody can lose 5 pounds of weight!


Regular exercise is beneficial for blood pressure in many different ways. Even if you ignore the possible weight loss, exercise helps to widen the arteries with time and this leads to a lowering in pressure.


There are a ton of vitamins that are known to help reduce blood pressure. Some are antioxidants and lower levels of nitric oxide, some control levels of calcium in a similar way to blood pressure drugs and others widen the blood vessels.

Make sure you are getting enough of vitamins C, E, B6 and D.

Worried about your blood pressure? Get the lowdown on hypertension and how to treat it successfully here: Hypertension Library.

About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications