Treating High Blood Pressure With Calcium

The ‘medical’ term for high blood pressure is Hypertension. It occurs when the insides of arteries are being affected by excessive tension of blood pumping through them. As strange as it may sound, it is still unknown what causes hypertension, although we know what can speed up the onset of this medical condition or make it worse. Those factors include excessive weight, stress, addiction to cigarettes, drugs and/or alcohol. Genetics is currently considered to be the main cause of high blood pressure, with the small percentage of cases being the result of such medical conditions as vascular tumors, problems with kidneys or thyroid, narrowing of the aortic valve, or sleep apnea.

There currently exists no cure for high blood pressure. The standard approach is to try and keep it under control through weight loss, moderate exercise, cutting back on alcohol and salt (sodium) intake.

One of the alternative methods of treating high blood pressure involves increasing one’s intake of the mineral calcium. Popularly known as the building block for bones, calcium has multiple other functions in our body. It facilitates healing of wounds, improves blood clotting, speeds up the metabolism inside the cell, and facilitates muscle contraction. All of the above require our bodies to maintain a certain level of calcium in the blood at all cost. In order to keep up wit the demand, the body may actually “borrow” the mineral from our bones, thus causing increased bone fragility, and painful uncontrollable muscle spasms.

With universal interest in alternative treatments for common illnesses on the rise, international researchers have recently conducted a number of studies on calcium and its role in lowering blood pressure.

Here are some examples:

In 2000, a group of Chinese researchers decided to investigate the effects of calcium supplements on people with low calcium intake, and discovered a considerable reduction in blood pressure levels among those participants who were taking 800 milligrams of calcium daily. The average drop in systolic pressure amounted to 4.7 mm Hg, while diastolic pressure fell by 2.7 mm Hg.

Another study, conducted in 1998 in the US focused on the effects of calcium supplements on African-American youth. The study involved 116 teenagers of both sexes, whose average age was 15. As a result of taking 1500 mg of calcium daily, the participants registered an average diastolic blood pressure drop of 1.9 mm Hg. The greatest positive effect was observed in those who had started the study with the lowest calcium levels in their bodies.

A number of other studies also demonstrate that increased calcium intake can cause a drop in elevated blood pressure. This is especially true for those, who are experiencing calcium deficiency to start with.

The best way to make sure your body has enough calcium is to consume enough of it with your diet, including dairy foods (milk, yogurt, and cheese), leafy green vegetables (broccoli, kale, spinach), fish (salmon, sardines – canned and with bones), black beans, peanuts, and sesame seeds.

Another source of calcium is a variety of dietary supplements.?These are available as either calcium citrates or calcium carbonates. The former are recommended for those who are taking acid blockers to prevent indigestion. The latter cost less and introduce more calcium mineral on a per pill basis.

It is recommended that you do not consume more than 2,500 milligrams of calcium per day. Regular increased consumption of calcium may lead to formation of kidney stones and irritation of gastrointestinal tract.

Andrei has a special interest in alternative medicine – when diagnosed with prostate cancer, he decided to forgo conventional therapy and find relief in ‘alternative medical treatments’. It was not easy, but it worked, and he has been cancer free for almost a year now. Alternative medicine is not his only interest, you can also check out his latest website discussing Coolaroo Dog Bed features, varieties and benefits for your pet.

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